Required Carcass Data Collection for Use in Genetic Evaluations

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Revision as of 13:15, 11 April 2021 by TPerkins (talk | contribs)

The primary goal of all genetic evaluation programs should be determining unbiased values of genetic merit for each parent tested. Unfortunately, economic hurdles may prevent this from being totally possible in carcass merit evaluations. However, below are guidelines that may minimize the effect of some of these hurdles.

A proper contemporary group must be identified at harvest with a minimum of 3 progeny of the same sex from each sire, harvested on the same date, with progeny of at least 2 reference sires also in the contemporary group.

Producers should identify the following information on all animals prior to harvest:

  1. Sire: registration number, herd ID and birthdate.
  2. Dam: registration number, herd ID, and birthdate. (No registration number needed if a commercial dam)
  3. Calf: registration number, herd ID, birthdate, sex, birthweight, weaning weight and yearling weight. (No registration number needed if a commercial calf)

Harvested animal data

All of the recommended carcass data collection traits should be identified at harvest.

This includes:

Recommended Carcass Data Collection Traits
Number Trait
1 Animal ID
2 Harvest Date
3 Packing Plant Name and Location
4 Carcass ID
5 Hot Carcass Weight
6 Marbling Score
7 Carcass Maturity
8 Fat Thickness
9 Ribeye Area
10 Percent Pelvic, Heart and Kidney Fat
11 Final Calculated Yield Grade
12 Quality Grade

Ultrasound data on market steers

Ultrasound data may be collected on fed cattle (steers and/or heifers) just before harvest time. The ultrasound data should be interpreted by an approved and authorized Ultrasound Guidelines Council lab. Ultrasound data required includes:

  1. Animal ID
  2. Scan date - animals must be scanned in the age window accepted by your specific breed association
  3. Contemporary group, test type, sex, diet concentration level
  4. Ultrasound scan weight taken within 7 days of scanning
  5. Rib fat
  6. Rump fat
  7. Percent intramuscular fat
  8. Ribeye area

Note: Most breed association require weaning weight submission before processing ultrasound data.