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From BIF Guidelines Wiki
Revision as of 17:20, 30 May 2019 by Bgolden (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This article is simply a list of traits commonly observed in beef cattle. Some traits are ERTs, depending on the marketing...")

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This article is simply a list of traits commonly observed in beef cattle. Some traits are ERTs, depending on the marketing efforts of an individual producer. When a trait is not an ERT, it is then an indicator trait. Most of the entries in this table have links to a specific article with details about that trait.

Authors, please feel free to add to this table, even if there is no specific linkable article with more details.

Trait Trait Trait
Average Daily Gain
Back Fat Birth Weight
Calving Difficulty Calving Ease
Calving Interval Carcass Weight Condition Score
Days to Calving Days to Finish Docility
Drop weight Dry Matter Intake
Feedlot Survival Feed Efficiency Frame Score
Gestation Length
Heifer Pregnancy Rate Hip Height