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BIF iGENDEC Release Notes

From BIF Guidelines Wiki
This is the approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent.

The BIF iGENDEC is an enhanced version of the original open source iGENDEC project released under the MIT open source license. Sponsored and operated by the Beef Improvement Federation, this BIF iGENDEC implementation is supported by fees collected from subscribers to this service. The BIF iGENDEC calculates indexes for both beef-on-beef or beef-on-dairy production situations. It can be accessed from here. For further information about this service please contact mspangler2@unl.edu


Here are two helpful tutorials that were recorded from two NCBA webinars. The first provides a general overview of iGENDEC and can be accessed from here. The second webinar is designed for those who have some experience in using the software and can be accessed here.


Updated defaultBeefonDairyMaster.hjson in the beef-on-dairy module with newest USMARC breed effects.


MS provided updated USMARC breed effects in defaultMaster.hjson for beef-on-beef


Added beef-on-dairy module