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Math status

From BIF Guidelines Wiki

This page displays information about the enabled math rendering modes.

The following rendering modes are enabled:

LaTeX source (for text browsers)

SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin)

Running backend tests for rendering mode SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin).

Test Rendering the input "x^2+\text{a sample Text}" succeeded.

Test Comparing to the reference rendering succeeded.

Test Rendering of a+b in plain MathML mode succeeded.

Test Checking the presence of '+' in the MathML output succeeded.

Test Comparing the generated SVG with the reference failed.

Test Checking if MathML input is supported succeeded.

Test Rendering Presentation MathML sample failed.

Test Checking if the link to SVG image is correct succeeded.

Backend tests for rendering mode SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin) completed.